Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why just a semester?

Chicos, many many thanks for all your contri- butions to this blog. You may recall that when we began this project I suggested it could be a useful forum for critical reflection. Congratulations: I have just been rereading your entries and find that, indeed, I encounter here a great deal of reflection based on keen observation. I've also noticed several expressions of gratitude for the opportunity you had this year. I can hardly imagine a healthier attitude. (And, in our case, this gratitude is quite "realistic", though that's not quite the word I'm looking for. Perhaps I'm referring to a degree of self-awareness regarding one's relatively privileged status in the world. To the extent that you acknowledge this status, you are being quite realistic...) Dickinson encourages us to, yes, engage the world. You have done so, and I believe all of you are quite aware of how this engagement is changing you. As you well know, so many people around the world can only dream of such an opportunity. I feel tremendously gratified in my confidence that you have all taken great advantage of this opportunity. For me this seminar has been a very positive and memorable experience, as has been the whole year. I feel grateful for having had the opportunity to work with you, to help you negotiate Málaga, and to accompany you in some of your adventures. I hope I've been able to teach you something; I've certainly learned a lot from all of you. The seminar is over, but I don't see why the blog should end. After all, you are going to have plenty to ponder as you get ready for your final year at Dickinson. Someone mentioned reverse culture shock. Why not write about it? Anyone want to suggest a new title for the blog? Or just leave it as is? So, I would be most happy to see this chain of reflection keep growing. I've grown quite fond of it. Un abrazo...


  1. Spain sounds like a lot of fun, especially for 9 months!

  2. Málaga known for its romantic and historic landmarks will make any study truly worth remembering.
    semester abroad
