Thursday, May 14, 2009

Going back...

Today is the last day in Málaga for most of us, and since we have been here for so long it seems strange to return to the U.S. I have been thinking about what will happen once we are actually back home, living the lives we had before...but different. It is possible that we might experience "reverse culture shock" after being in Spain for 9 months, and I am interested to see what it is like. I'm also sure that the first phrase to come out of most of our friends' mouths will be, "How was Spain?" But to be honest, I have no idea how to answer that. There are so many experiences, moments, ideas, people, places, etc. that come to mind, that I feel that putting my reaction into a few sentences in English would never do Málaga justice.

The positive side to this, however, is that there are people who understand - we Dickinson students who have gone through all of it together, and will never forget the opportunities we had here. Now, we're ready to continue "engaging the world" with this experience under our belt, and hopefully return to Dickinson inspiring others to do the same.

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